Breathtaking Travel Experiences

Posted in Brazil| China

Breathtaking…That is a word that I am always a bit skeptical of.  Whether it is found scribbled on the back of a post card or perfectly placed in a travel brochure, I often find myself asking Really? Did it really take your breath away? There is no shortage of beautiful views just within your own home town, let alone throughout the world at large, but aren’t we being a little over the top when we call something breathtaking?

Then the other day as I was scrolling through an online list of the most unbelievable places on earth to visit, I started to think about the many beautiful places, people and things that I’ve seen in my years of travel and I have to say, with out being overly dramatic, there are a few stand-out places that really did take my breath away.  Sitting on an out of the way section of the Great Wall of China, I was speechless and found myself struggling to breath. Not because of the strenuous climb to get there, but because of the vast view and complete silence that was a true contrast to my past few days in non-stop Beijing.

The Great Wall (photo compliments of Wikipedia)

Standing on a cliff overlooking the beach of Praia do Forte, Brazil another place where I had to catch my breath and take it all in.  Though it was during my very first overseas trip, I still remember standing among the skyscrapers in the Shinjuku neighborhood of Tokyo doing the complete tourist move (head to the sky, mouth wide open, turning slowly in circles) and feeling infinitesimally small and immensely lucky at the same time.  Oh and that time diving in the Red Sea and spotting a hammerhead shark! Had it not been for the diving regulator controlling my breathing, I would have for sure forgotten to breath.

Is the Great Wall of China any more spectacular than the Pyramids of Giza?  Or the buildings of Shinjuku any more awe inspiring than the same towering buildings in New York City? Probably not, but I realize it is not only the site you’re taking in with your eyes, but also some indescribable pull it has on you. Be it on a peaceful mountain top or at a lively, colorful religious ceremony, whatever takes your breath away touches you on more than just a visual level. All of your senses and emotions are involved.

If you think back over your travels, have you ever had the amazing experience of losing yourself in your surroundings? Losing your breath to the beauty around you? If so, where were you? What were the circumstances? Have you gone back to visit again and did you have the same experience? Please share your comments below.

5 comments… add one
  • Take A Leap April 1, 2014, 12:26 pm

    I also lost my breath at the Great Wall, as well as the panoramic views of the hills of Tuscany in Italy. Magnifico!!

    • Nailah April 1, 2014, 3:28 pm

      Oh Tuscany is so lovely as well. Give me a good glass of wine and a Tuscan view any day and I’ll be happy!

  • McCoy lee April 22, 2014, 12:56 pm

    Very nice experience! I am impressed with your writing style. Travelling is the best way to relieve your mind from this busy routine. It lets us to enjoy our lives with our family or friends and also explore new thing for us. This weekend I have also planned to go to bus tours grand canyon to enjoy some time with my family.

  • Eileen Seissen April 30, 2014, 1:45 am

    I would say Foz De Iguacu. I first saw it in a boat as we drove into the water and got drenched. Then we took a nice stroke on the Brazilian side and I had to stop on numerous occasions to pinch myself. From the boat I could not tell the size or beauty of the setting. The lush greenery, the variety in waterfall sizes, the sheer amount of water being heard falling was almost overwhelming. I send as many people there as I possibly can, and I hope to return there one day with someone (doesn’t matter who). Maybe you can come with me and we can revisit it and then you can write about it!

    • Nailah April 30, 2014, 8:32 am

      Oh, that’s a good one, Eileen! Oh, I could DEFINITELY do another trip to Foz de Iguacu! Shall we add that to our ever expanding list of travel Must Do’s?

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